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Nussbaumen Ag Unfall Heute

Tragic Explosion in Nussbaumen AG Claims Two Lives

Breaking News

Nussbaumen, Switzerland - A devastating explosion rocked an underground parking garage in Nussbaumen AG on Thursday evening, tragically claiming the lives of two people.

Latest Developments

The Aargauer Kantonspolizei held a press conference on Friday afternoon to provide an update on the incident.

According to police, the explosion occurred in the garage of a residential building. Eleven people were injured, with some suffering serious burns and smoke inhalation.

Emergency services, including firefighters and paramedics, responded to the scene and evacuated the building.

Ongoing Investigation

The cause of the explosion is still under investigation. The police are working to determine what triggered the blast and whether there was any criminal intent.

The incident has left the community in mourning and shocked. Residents are being urged to stay away from the area as the investigation continues.
